The freshness of the morning - a bouquet of carnations
Lovely bouquet without claiming to be VIP, however, will be a great decoration for any home, due to its freshness, simplicity and color. delicate flavorthree varieties of chrysanthemums It has not gone to his head, but it will give a sense of peace, tranquility and comfort. And what else is needed for family happiness? Well, unless the boxgourmet chocolates "Korkunoff"Which you can order in a place with a bouquet.
Fill your home this morning freshness and positive!
Bouquet in the hands of the recipients
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COMMENTS ABOUT Bouquet «The freshness of the morning - a bouquet of carnations»
Inna / г. Москва / 02.08.2017bouquet rating:Thank you very much for the work done. The recipient was entranced by the most shipping and from a bouquet. Very beautiful chrysanthemum, beautifully decorated. I am very pleased!!!! THANK YOU!!!
Anna Vasilyeva / г. Грозный / 21.08.2016bouquet rating:Thank you for a clear order fulfillment! It is a pity that in Europe there is no Sunday delivery, I still give flowers to the day of celebration
Elena / г. Елабуга / 16.08.2016bouquet rating:Thank you very much !!!!! Thanks to your work, I was able to congratulate his mother on his birthday !!! And not an ordinary day, and on May 9, when all the parades and many narodu.Samoe pleasant is the fact that the bouquet was brought at 8:30 am morning, in spite of the delivery time from 9 to 11 !!! Bouquet as pictured on the website! Thank you very much !!!
Anton Rybin / г. Североуральск / 26.07.2016bouquet rating:Great job! I'm really surprised by a loved one. Sometimes you are doing more than just giving flowers)))
Galina / г. Коломна / 04.06.2016bouquet rating:bright beautiful bouquet delivered. and photos sent and reported smskoy. All liked it. good job.
Michael / г. Саранск / 28.05.2015bouquet rating:They delivered as promised within 2 hours. One minus SMS delivery came a few hours after the presentation time.
Oleg / г. Воронеж / 13.05.2015bouquet rating:All great. We rushed. There was a small problem with the payment through the site, quickly decided everything. great color! Thank you.
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